Thursday, January 5, 2012

Mushroom Management

Mushroom Management-What is the law of mushroom management?

"Mushroom management" refers to organizations or individuals towards the new entrants of a management mentality. Because beginners often placed in a dark corner, neglect of the sector, but to do some errands for work odd jobs, sometimes being doused with an excrement, by unwarranted criticism, blaming, vicarious, organization or individual is allowed to fend for themselves, without the necessary guidance for beginners and help, with this scenario is very similar to the growth of mushrooms. Generally more formal institutions in the management of large enterprises and companies, this situation more.

The origin of mushroom management laws

Allegedly, the term comes from the mushroom management laws in the 1970s a group of young computer programmer creativity. At that time, many people do not understand their work, the attitude of doubt and contempt, so the young computer programmers often feels "like mushrooms life." Computer programmers is so self-deprecating, which is the living space mushrooms have a certain relationship.

Mushroom growth characteristics is necessary nutrients and moisture, but we must avoid direct sunlight, it generally takes in the dark corner of the cultivation, excessive exposure can cause premature mortality. In ancient times, mushrooms nutrients generally human, animal excrement, though dirty, but as a necessity.

From the relationship between the point of view, location, condition of both nutrients given mushroom living space, subject to fend for themselves, new scholars is also true.

The meaning of the law of mushroom management and thinking:

First, the "mushroom management" is a more universal social phenomenon, China's ancient apprenticeship, an apprentice at the beginning of time, is this: once the master does not teach you anything, just arrange apprentice waiter like to do some chores , regardless of apprentices like it or not, must do and must do a good job. Apprentice is not the power of choice, if you do not do chores, there is no apprenticeship qualifications. Although most of the industry now has no system of apprenticeship, but, "mushroom management laws" are still deeply rooted in the existence of many units, most of the "fledgling" young people have had a period of being "mushroom management" experience.

Secondly, the "mushroom management" has some positive significance. Many inexperienced young people arrived in a new unit of work, business, the personnel, not familiar with the environment, important work is unlikely to immediately qualified (unless the individual good). At this time, through a "mushroom management" regardless of the units or individuals are meaningful. The unit is not for beginners because of the unskilled and the business loss to the enterprise. For individuals, it is the accumulation of experience, familiar with the work, experience and growth opportunity. However, as just out of college, ambitious university graduates, it should be how to deal with "mushroom management", this is a question worth considering.