Sunday, January 15, 2012

International labor market Information

International labor market-International labor market Information:
What is the international labor market?

International services trade in the labor market is the place. The international labor market is an important part of the international market, its elements in the international labor movement played a very important role. International labor market after the birth and development of the 1950s and 1960s, the two formed a labor market in Western Europe and North America. With 70 years of Western economies into stagflation and 80 years of slow growth and the rapid increase in oil revenues, Middle East and Asian "four little dragons" of the rise of the international labor market, labor migration from the normal only for Western Europe and North America the two market development in the Asia Pacific, Middle East, Western Europe, North America, Latin America and Africa and to provide a variety of labor services in the form of diversified markets. After the 1990s, due to the slow world economic growth, increasing trade protectionism countries, so that labor market competition more fierce. Now, with the majority of adjustment and development of both countries have adopted the policy of the international labor market, showing a trend of increased demand for technical services, and the international labor market diversification trend is further strengthened. International labor markets and international commodity markets are very different, its mainly in the following two aspects:

One is the object of a different transaction, commodity trading market is a tangible object, that is tangible or physical, and the labor market is invisible on the subject of the transaction, that is non-materialization of living labor;

The second is to set a different market place, there are many places the exchange of commodities are fixed, such as various types of commodity exchange and regularly held trade fairs and trade fairs, etc., while the labor market generally do not have a fixed place, often where a labor demand, where is the labor market.

Characteristics of contemporary international labor cooperation:Contemporary international labor cooperation is a sovereign act of economic cooperation between countries. Mutual respect for sovereignty, equality and mutual benefit adhere to international labor cooperation is a necessary prerequisite and basic principles. Therefore, labor service cooperation between sovereign states is a contemporary of the fundamental characteristics of international labor cooperation, but also to determine whether it is really the main indicator of the international labor cooperation. From the time of speaking, began in the contemporary international labor cooperation since World War II. It is with the history of the international mobility of labor compared to show the following characteristics:

First, the contemporary international labor cooperation, cooperation in order to achieve the purpose of both their own economic power, through the re-combination of both factors of production configuration, complementary advantages, to get the best value for money. Autonomous international labor cooperation is built on the basis of equality and mutual benefit between countries, is the labor sending countries voluntarily and independent behavior. Such cooperation in terms of my labors, or to go and earn a living, in order to live better; or learn management and technical knowledge, improve their quality; or better realize their own value, and so on. The international mobility of labor before World War II set the yoke of colonialism, the purpose subject to the flow of capital to extract surplus value and the needs of colonial rule. Flow direction, scale, methods completely dominated by the colonialists and control of capital, and labor as the main flow, but always in a position to be forced to obey, which is a built on ruthless exploitation and plunder on the basis of unequal international mobility of labor.
Second, contemporary international labor cooperation, both short-term employment or the provision of labor-based. International mobility of labor before World War II immigrants settled mainly in the main form, such as the 17th and 18th century England to the North American workforce, are trafficked to North America's black slaves, and after living on the mid-19th century to the islands of Southeast Asia, the Americas, Australia, China and other labor Most settled. But there are also short-term stay, such as the 17th and 18th century in the United States border with Mexico, the long border line, during busy production season, a large number of Mexicans crossing the border into the United States to do temporary farm until the busy season is over, it automatically returns to the domestic . After the war nearly four decades, the immigration form and the international mobility of labor has never been stopped, usually from developing countries, immigration to developed countries than in developed countries. However, as the world economic situation changes and scientific and technological progress, many countries to the immigration policy is changing. Such as the U.S. "Immigration Nationality Act" provisions in the "quota system" under the premise as in the past so that immigrants can not choose the United States, but by the United States to select the immigrants. The immigration policy is mainly to absorb foreign-educated intellectuals and professionals. So. Total number of immigrants in the United States in a variety of professionals, scientists, technical staff account for 90%. As a result, many immigrants have settled in a very limited amount of reduction. At the same time, as the world economic globalization and the development of economic cooperation in the form of short-term stay to provide labor services in the form of popular, that temporary workers abroad through the formalities for several months, usually 2 to 3 years, return home after the expiry of the work . The part of the world's total labor force as many as 40 million people, far more than the number of immigrant settlers, became the main contemporary forms of international mobility of labor.
Third, the contemporary international labor cooperation was multi-lateral, multi-faceted, multi-level. International mobility of labor history, along with the discovery of the New World and colonial expansion, the flow is more simple, basically from Africa, Asia and European countries to the Americas and Oceania. The contemporary international labor cooperation have been involved in most countries and regions, especially in the 21st century, the global service multinational companies to expand investment and rapid trade growth, driven, global cross-border flows of people more frequently, the international labor market needs and scale, the direction of the flow of labor has become increasingly diverse, from the labor-exporting countries to importing countries over the past one-way flow, the development of two-way flow, many countries have both the inflow of labor outflow. Labor services from low to high and from high to low multiple to co-exist, was a multi-level cross-flow. However, uneven economic development in the current world, the disparity between rich and poor circumstances, the labor force in the international movement, is still to follow while avoiding disadvantages, the principle of downwards, the mainstream from low to high. Diversification of international labor flows, more conducive to human resources to achieve a greater range of complementary advantages, to achieve the optimal allocation of production factors, thus promoting the development of productivity, but also exacerbated the international labor market.

Contemporary international labor market trends:The world labor market is the world's economic activity is an important component, it is the world's economic resources and the distribution of changes in demand caused by the international mobility of human resources. The background of economic globalization is accelerating, with the development of technology and people's living standards improve and the adjustment of industrial structure, labor demand industry is constantly changing, information industry, biological engineering, environmental engineering, computer software and hardware, telecommunications, finance, insurance, tourism and other sunrise industries increasing demand for labor, and gradually replaced the traditional architecture, textiles, civil engineering and other industries, in addition, medical personnel, lawyers, teachers, agricultural workers is also increasing demand, contemporary emergence of new international labor market trends.
1, the general downward trend in labor demand, a general increase in demand for high-tech servicesAfter World War II, Western countries after decades of economic recovery and development, labor-intensive construction of infrastructure projects has been completed, the industrial structure has undergone profound changes, labor-intensive and technology-intensive projects have been replaced by capital-intensive projects. Since the 80s of last century, the world's labor market into recession. Actually reduce the demand for international services is mainly the decline in demand for general services, was cut down a large number of foreign laborers are engaged in ordinary labor of unskilled workers. In some countries the protectionist policies pursued largely for ordinary laborers into the limits from the current development trend, this situation will not change much, while the intellectual and technical labor market trends in the contemporary world prosperity and development the leading force in the labor market. As the rapid development of modern science and technology, the quality of labor become increasingly demanding, global kinds of technical personnel and a general shortage of management talent, especially in multi-skill talent shortage even more serious. According to World Bank statistics, the U.S. imported more than 60% of foreign labor is skilled workers and professional and technical personnel, West Germany, this proportion reached 70%, other developed and developing countries also have varying degrees there is a similar tendency. Pu Tong labor dropped, increased the proportion of technical services, this trend has been and is to promote international labor market structure changes, and gradually form a high-level service-focused multi-level, multi-industry labor market structure.
2, dirty, tired, dangerous jobs gap is increasing, service-oriented labor showed a growth trendWith economic development and people's living standards improve and the tremendous technological progress, on the one hand to promote the labor market to the high-level direction, but also brings the dirty, tired, dangerous job vacancies and a large number of service-oriented services in the tertiary industry rapid growth. Developed countries and some of the more advanced developing countries, dirty, tired, dangerous work because no one is interested, and show the supply shortage, had to hire foreign labor to fill, such as cleaners, porters, miners, fishermen, steel mills and Some types of chemical plants and so on.
In economic development and improve people's lives, while more developed countries and developing countries the industrial structure also will be great changes have taken place, the services sector in GDP and employment rising proportion of the population, services labor market prospects. For example, community and public affairs services industry shortages in many countries, South Korea 50% shortage of public transport service, the United Kingdom and Hong Kong has no domestic workers, cooks and so on. In addition, the finance, insurance, advertising, tourism and consulting services and other industries, there are also some labor needs. Therefore, the future of foreign labor in the service industry will become increasingly wide range of employment, the employment rate will be higher.
3, the natural population growth is slow, aging serious, leading to labor shortages in developed countriesUneven development of global economy and population determines the flow of labor were unbalanced development of the situation. Like the United States, Europe, Japan and other developed countries, on the one hand the economy is huge, strong demand for labor; the other hand, the natural population of these countries, slow growth, a serious aging problem, making the labor shortage situation did not improve. According to statistics, in 1987 the United States aged 16 to 24 in employment 23.4 million, down 20 million to the end of the century. EC-12 population of 321 million in 1993, fell to an estimated 315 million in 2025, but retirees over age 65 increased to 64.1 million by 43.1 million, other countries such as Japan, Australia and Eastern European countries also have varying degrees there is a similar situation. The future as some developed countries, population aging intensifies, as the cause of health care services for the elderly will be further developed, foreign nannies, doctors and nurses in this area will be more and more employment opportunities, such as the United States in 2003 nurse vacancies of 15%, the Ministry of Health of Saudi Arabia is extremely relevant Hospital employs nearly 10 million foreign health care workers.
4, the foreign labor, especially intellectual and technical labor restrictions will gradually become looseCurrently, most of the world, especially the prevalence of common labor-and technology-based intellectual labor shortage. Western countries and more advanced developing countries and regions, many social status at the end, wages, consumption of physical work is often no one is interested, the EU has 300 million people, nearly a million people the United States, where they specialize in Strategic decisions, in locals do not want to do. Developed countries and Eastern Europe, CIS countries, population decline and aging trends, aggravated the labor shortage with the contradiction between economic development, especially the shortage of specialized technical services are more prominent. At the same time as rising domestic labor costs also affect the product in the international market competitiveness. Under such pressure, some countries and regions have relaxed immigration control, early 2004, U.S. President's policies to promote immigration reform bill, intended to gradually open up the labor market, the United States who wish to work in foreign workers to provide temporary, short-term employment opportunities. The bill was passed by Congress, will present in the United States three years, nearly ten million illegal immigrants temporary work and residence permit. Over the years the Japanese government, through the "trainee" means de facto extension of the absorption of foreign labor, in 2003, 274,000 foreign workers employed in Japan, than in previous years increased by 4.6 million, of which 44,000 skilled workers, skills, 50,000 interns, Japan to to maintain long-term economic stability, labor each year to add 600 000, so opening up the labor market is only a matter of time and modalities. Spanish government has a quota policy on the labor input, but for people to absorb more foreign labor, the 2004 quota has been increased to 52,000, is expected to effectively control the influx of illegal immigrants, the Spanish labor quotas will significantly increase each year more than 250,000. In addition, some Southeast Asian newly industrialized countries and regions in economic growth in a structural labor shortage, have also relaxed the restrictions on entry of foreign nationals.
Overall, despite the current international labor market there for this or that foreign labor restrictions, the demand for labor of different types of work, not the same potential for development, labor competition is very fierce, but the overall trend in the international labor market is still continued stable development prospects.

The world's major labor market:(A) the labor market in AsiaSustained and rapid growth in Asia's economic conditions, led to its increased demand for labor. Asian labor market into a huge potential market in the international labor market holds an important position, but also the output of China's most important labor market. Asian labor markets and labor markets including the Middle East East Asia, Southeast Asia, the labor market in the Middle East labor market mainly due to the region's rich oil and gas resources. In Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, Qatar and other oil producing countries in the Middle East the main focus on the global labor market. The late 1970s early 1980s, international oil prices experienced two significant price increases, making the Middle East oil producers get a huge amount of oil dollars of income. To put these funds for its economic development and infrastructure construction so as to develop their national economy, sparsely populated, oil-producing countries began to labor shortages from other non-oil producing countries in the region to recruit labor, and later attracted a large number of services in Southeast Asia into the Middle East, China in 1979 to contract projects in the form of export services to the region. Subsequent impact on the Middle East-Iraq war, the labor market. Oil economic downturn, the labor market to shrink, many foreigners withdrew their labor. In recent years, with rising world oil prices, the Middle East labor market began to recover. East Asia, Southeast Asia, including Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, China Taiwan, Thailand and South Korea and other major labor market. These countries have the output to the Middle East labor force in the labor market, but they also attract a large number of laborers from other countries entering the country. East Asia, Southeast Asia, the rise of the labor market depends on the country's industrial structure adjustment of the structural labor shortage caused by its large number of primary inputs are mostly labor. Governments to protect their own labor, they have developed their own policies and regulations, to varying degrees, restrict large-scale entry of foreign workers. With the market in these countries the demand for senior services staff has increased, more high-quality foreign labor entered the East, Southeast Asia, the labor market.
(B) Western European labor marketUnprecedented development of the labor market in Western Europe, the twentieth century can be traced back to the forties and fifties, is the most long history of international labor market. Britain, France, Germany, Italy and other Western European countries the level of industrial and agricultural development among the world, these countries are in the labor market to absorb the Western European country with the largest labor. As the overall higher living standards, local people do not want to engage in dirty, tired, insurance jobs, resulting in a lack of labor. Almost all walks of life in Western European countries are facing labor shortage, especially in poor and remote areas of the industry, the more there is the demand for foreign labor. With the Western European countries the adjustment of industrial structure, its technology and knowledge-intensive labor turned most of the emerging industry, the scope of employment of foreign workers naturally limited to those work intensity, work environment, dirty, poor jobs and poor conditions in remote areas. In this case, foreign labor does not prevent the employment of national workers, which is the Western European countries to restrict the employment of foreign labor in the lower-level jobs that purpose, thus inhibiting foreign labor squeeze their labor market. In addition, some professional, competent local workers can not work must be accomplished through the recruitment of foreign labor.
(C) the North American labor marketNorth American labor market developed by the United States and Canada, two labor market composition. The history of North America is the largest area of ​​absorption of immigrants, especially the United States, when most people are descendants of immigrants. Economic development and technological progress in the labor market plays an important role in promoting development. United States since the 1970s, the adjustment of industrial structure and create more job opportunities, with the capital-intensive industrial structure from the transformation of the technology and knowledge-intensive, high-tech industries for high-level service workers showed a higher demand, many enterprises require a higher level of education of employees, and a large number of American students lose interest in learning, especially blacks and Hispanics drop-out rate, resulting in some positions to recruit suitable candidates. The continuous development of the service sector, service sector jobs also increased significantly. In addition, the U.S. economic development and social welfare the higher number of poor Americans do not want to engage in a lot of manual labor, they would rather rely on unemployment benefits for a living. These are the structural causes of the U.S. economy, the labor shortage. U.S. demand for foreign labor markets throughout North America to ensure active and prosperity, Canada's very liberal immigration policy for the North American labor market has injected vitality. Western European labor market with foreign workers only work in some of the lower level is different in the North American labor market, in addition to those engaged in the dirty, tired, dangerous, poor manual labor departments, some high-tech industries such as semiconductors, bio-engineering , computers, artificial intelligence, and aerospace sectors, have come from different countries all over the laborers. Many scientists from developing countries, researchers, technicians and engineers are all active in all sectors of the U.S. economy, and plays an important role.
(D) labor market in AfricaAfrica's economic development level and natural resources owned by the decision of the African labor market is difficult in the short term a larger development. First, the African regional economic base is poor, although African countries have also adopted a number to promote their economic development policies, but due to lack of funding, payment poor credit, to a certain extent, affected the development of the African labor market. Second, in addition to Nigeria, Cameroon, Gabon, Angola and Congo, a few oil producing countries, most of African countries are the lack of good investment environment, they are either in a hot climate in the tropics, or is boundless desert.