Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Social Dumping

Social Dumping-what is Social Dumping?

Social dumping refers to a high-wage industrialized countries, relatively inexpensive imports of foreign products, the reason why these products are cheaper is because the exporting countries do not provide decent wages, benefits and other aspects of the protection of workers. Through the use of low-cost and lack of protection labor, exporting countries can be far below normal market prices in the industrialized countries sell their products, which will be its social problems "dumping" to the importing country, in the form is to enable the latter to lose their jobs, reduce wages and force the importing country interest to make it more competitive price structure.

Social dumping - profile "anti-dumping hot spot analysis" dumping refers to a country or region exports to operators to lower the domestic market the average price of a normal or even below cost price to another country's market to sell their products, acts aimed at defeating competition opponent, to capture the market and, therefore, to the importing country the same or similar products, manufacturers and industry suffered losses. Anti-dumping, by definition refers to a country (importing country) against the dumping of other countries for their own counter-measures taken by the act. Stronger trend of globalization of trade, countries tend to protect their own industries also will be stronger, anti-dumping has become adopted by the majority of the country's main trading protection system. With the world economy and trade relations between the continuous development of international market competition intensified in almost all countries the declining tariff levels and economic development imbalances, international dumping and anti-dumping even more intense struggle. Its original meaning refers to the use of inmate labor and production labor or other forced labor products in order to be able to very low prices in foreign sales.

Social dumping - the root causes of the market economy produces social dumping issue is the uneven development of modern economic globalization, the inevitable outcome. Nature of economic globalization, the globalization of the market economy, economic globalization is actually the process of market-oriented global economy.

Market economy is built on capital, profit-driven micro-basis, the market is "no boundaries selfish", competition is the iron law of market economy, market economy and therefore has inherent duality: it can ensure the efficiency of optimization, but does not guarantee a fair optimized. Within countries, by the national policy to control the operation of a market economy; and globalized market economy, the corresponding rules of competition in today's system of governance such as the case of absence, in the capital, driven by profit-driven, should be governed by the expansion of capital for the purpose and means of repression and the denial of labor as direct requests. It can be said that the contemporary market economy based on capital as the center of globalization, are inherently unequal, and inevitably there is this accompanied by the phenomenon of uneven development.

Uneven development of economic globalization, not only reflected in the widening gap between countries north and south to form a global "center - periphery" posture; and within countries are also increasingly exposed. The wealthy beneficiaries of globalization, serious polarization of wealth distribution. The status of the rise in capital cases, the status of the world's workers are continually dropping. Trade unions in the confrontation with the capital increase in the weak position, in addition to individual countries, almost all countries in the trade union movement in quite a predicament. Labor escalation of conflicts and the decline in the status of labor, making the ILO social clause to become linked with international trade advocate. Echoing with the ILO's activities, the developed countries the government also believes that the advantages of developing countries, inequality in labor-intensive products, but also directly led to the hollowing out of its domestic industry, social welfare loss. So, while governments in developed countries and the ILO, the starting point and different purposes, but will be linked to labor standards and trade requirements are identical, the two formed a mutual invoked and support situation. Protection of labor rights of the most effective way is through the global trading system to reward or punish a product.